EN854 3TE

Tube: Oil resistant synthetic rubber

Reinforcement: Two layers textile braid

Cover: Oil and weather resistant synthetic rubber, Wrapped/Smooth cover

Temperature: -40°C to +100°C

Application: Petroleum-based hydraulic fluid, gasoline, water, lubricating oils, glycol, mineral oils, and more.


DN INCH SIZE SAE DASH SIZE Inside (mm) Outside (mm) Working Pressure Burst Pressure Bend Radius Length
mm inch mm Dash Min Max Min Max Bar Psi Bar Psi mm kg/m M
5 3/16″ 4.8 -3 4.4 5.2 12.0 13.6 160 2320 640 9280 40 0.17 50/100
6 1/4″ 6.4 -4 5.9 6.9 13.6 15.2 145 2103 580 8412 45 0.20 50/100
8 5/16″ 7.9 -5 7.4 8.4 16.1 17.7 130 1885 520 7540 55 0.24 50/100
10 3/8″ 9.5 -6 9.0 10.0 17.7 19.3 110 1595 440 6380 70 0.28 50/100
13 1/2″ 12.7 -8 12.1 13.3 20.7 22.7 93 1349 372 5396 85 0.43 50/100
16 5/8″ 15.9 -10 15.3 16.5 24.9 26.9 80 1160 320 4640 105 0.47 50/100
19 3/4” 19.0 -12 18.2 19.8 28.0 30.0 70 1015 280 4060 130 0.54 50
25 1″ 25.4 -16 24.6 26.2 34.4 37.4 55 798 220 3192 150 0.72 50
32 1-1/4″ 31.8 -20 30.8 32.8 40.8 43.8 45 653 180 2612 190 0.88 50
38 1-1/2″ 38.1 -24 37.1 39.1 47.6 51.6 40 580 160 2320 240 1.07 50
51 2″ 50.8 -32 49.8 51.8 60.3 64.3 33 479 132 1916 300 1.36 50

Our Manufacturing Capabilities

Our factory is compounded with ISO 9001:2015 standards.

We value quality in all of our processes. We ensure that our hydraulic hoses can withstand the toughest environmental stresses.

The entire production link of our hydraulic hose takes place in our factory, to ensure the quality of each rubber tube, and a 99.99% on-time delivery rate.

If you have special requirements for the performance of rubber hose, you can contact us, we provide a variety of customized services.