To work safely with steam hoses there are several guidelines established. A regular hose condition checkup is therefore recommended. Especially if the hoses have not been in use for some time. It doesn’t take longtime to perform a simple check in order that you might avoid unnecessary troubles. To getting started we’ve put together a practical checklist.

Steam is hazardous and steam hoses should not be used if there are signs of wear or damage on the cover. Kinking steam hose causes internal damage to the reinforcement which will reduce the service life and can be a cause of unexpected catastrophic failures as well. The hose should be inspected for damages and proper fitting installation before each use.
Never use a steam hose (or other kind of hose) which isn’t rated for the pressure and temperature of the system it’s connected to. Attaching a hose to a system with a higher rated pressure or temperature than the hose can and will cause premature failure of the hose assembly. Steam hoses aren’t designed to resist a vacuum and should not be used in a system that has a vacuum. - EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AND STORAGE
Even a good quality hose can be affected by some external environmental factors; sunlight, temperature variations, salt water, chemical & chemical vapor, and contamination can attack the hose to that extent it has to be replaced. All of these factors should be considered carefully when storing new or used hoses as well. - PROPER INSTALLATION
For safe and proper use of hose assemblies it’s important to be properly fitted to the application. The correct length of hose between the two connection points insures equal weight and pressure distribution. To reduce the chance of kinks, vertically oriented outlets with the opening pointed down are ideal in order to reduce stress on the hose. - CLEAN HOSES
Sand, dust, dirt, and other foreign material in or around the hose can also cause damage.
Before using the hose, it’s important to be sure that the material type has been removed before. - PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE
Perfect used hose assemblies should be inspected during a proper fitting installation for damage and should be annually hypostatically tested at twice on the rated working pressure. This ensures a safe and secure assembly, even with used hoses.
For detailed information about hose, please contact us for details.