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Smooth VS Wrapped Hydraulic Hose Surface

Here are two different surfaces for hydraulic hose, so let's dive into the smooth vs wrapped hydraulic hose surface. And you will see the hydraulic hose surface from first sight, to look at the hydraulic hose cover appearance. The hydraulic hose cover can be designed into different textures, including smooth surface and wrapped surface, during the hydraulic hose vulcanizing process. 

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Here are two different surfaces for hydraulic hose, so let’s dive into the smooth vs wrapped hydraulic hose surface.

And you will see the hydraulic hose surface from first sight, to look at the hydraulic hose cover appearance.

The hydraulic hose cover can be designed into different textures, including smooth surface and wrapped surface, during the hydraulic hose vulcanizing process.

This short video can show you the hydraulic hose vulcanizing.

Smooth Hydraulic Hose

For the smooth hydraulic hose cover, a plastic sheath is textured around the hydraulic hose, and the plastic sheath is used to press the hydraulic hose cover during the curing process, but not leave any visible vestiges. In this method, we get the smooth surface of the hydraulic hose. The hydraulic ventilation with smooth bore works for you to get the smooth hydraulic hose surface.

We use plastic-coated materials to create a smooth cover for the hydraulic hose, and the plastic-coated material can give better abrasion performance to the hydraulic hose body.

Wrapped Hydraulic Hose

The wrapped hydraulic hose, also spiral wrapped hydraulic hose, cover consists of nylon fabric strips, that can wrap the hydraulic hose prior to the curing process. We use the water press to extrude the hydraulic hose cover during the curing process, apply much pressure to the hydraulic hose cover to leave the spiral grain texture. The textile weave spiral and circumferential ridges will be pressed on the surface of the hydraulic hose cover where the nylon strips overlapped if you remove the nylon water press after the curing process.

We the water press cloth to create the wrapped hydraulic hose, with less abrasion performance.

Smooth VS Wrapped Hydraulic Hose Surface

smooth vs wrapped hydraulic hose surface
smooth vs wrapped hydraulic hose surface

Here, the surface of the hydraulic hose can be designed with these two types during the hydraulic hose manufacturing process, smooth vs wrapped hydraulic hose surface.

You can see the visible difference between the smooth hydraulic hose and wrapped hydraulic hose from the surface appearance. What causes the differences? Resulting from the hydraulic hose curing methods during the hydraulic hose production in the workshop.

It’s also hard to say which one is better, and the quality is determined by the raw material, synthetic rubber, for making hydraulic hoses. You can choose your desired surface for manufacturing the hydraulic hose to be assembled in your hydraulic system.

But the materials used in the hydraulic hose vulcanizing are different, plastic-coated material for smooth surface, water press for wrapped surface, so smooth surface hydraulic hose is much more expensive than a wrapped hydraulic hose.

What’s more, a smooth hydraulic hose has better abrasive resistance due to the vulcanizing material, in addition to these, there are no other differences comparing these two hydraulic hose surfaces.

It’s flexible for you to select your favorite hydraulic hose, based on the specifications, functions of the hydraulic hose, and the cover material, totally made of synthetic rubber, itself can determine the hose abrasion resistance. The surface is not the key to the hydraulic hose quality.


Here is the guide basically important about the smooth vs wrapped hydraulic hose, and please select your favorite hydraulic hose for your hydraulic systems. For any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time, and to get Free samples now.

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