Why Your Hydraulic Hose Is Broken? Here Are Some Common Hydraulic Hose Damage Reasons

The hydraulic hose is playing an important role in the hydraulic project used for the construction field. So now let's drive into the hydraulic hose failure reasons. And the hydraulic hose failure analysis is helpful for you to get the point of the hydraulic hose failure causes. 

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The hydraulic hose is playing an important role in the hydraulic project used for the construction field.

Here are some common hydraulic hose damage reasons.


You know that the hydraulic hose is made of synthetic material, so it is possible to damage the hydraulic hose within the service life.

The hydraulic hose failure can be commonly caused by abrasion, bad routing method while assembling, high temperature, erosion, bent problems near the hydraulic hose fittings. and also fluid incompatibility problems and etc.

In a word, there are many possible damages to hurt your hydraulic hose. No matter used for the hydraulic equipment, you would find many different damaged situations during its service life.

And now I can make a listing about the common hydraulic hose damage reasons here for your reference if need, helpful for you to avoid these hazard issues that would happen in the future.

So now let’s drive into the hydraulic hose failure reasons. And the hydraulic hose failure analysis is helpful for you to get the point of the hydraulic hose failure causes.

Hydraulic Hose Failure Analysis

Hydraulic Hose Failure Analysis
Hydraulic Hose Failure Analysis

Hydraulic hose failures can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from manufacturing defects to improper installation, usage, or maintenance. Identifying the root cause of a hydraulic hose failure is crucial to prevent future failures and ensure the safe and efficient operation of hydraulic systems. Here are some common steps and factors to consider in hydraulic hose failure analysis:

  • Visual Inspection: Begin by visually inspecting the failed hose. Look for signs of external damage, such as cuts, abrasions, kinks, or any deformation. Examine the hose fittings for any signs of leakage, corrosion, or damage. This initial assessment can provide valuable clues about the possible cause of failure.
  • Operating Conditions: Evaluate the operating conditions in which the hose was used. Consider factors such as pressure, temperature, fluid type, and flow rate. Hydraulic hoses are designed to operate within specific parameters, and exceeding these limits can lead to premature failure.
  • Installation and Routing: Improper installation and routing can lead to hose failure. Ensure that the hose has the correct bend radius, is properly clamped, and is not twisted or strained. Avoid sharp bends or excessive tension, as they can weaken the hose structure over time.
  • Abrasion and Wear: Hydraulic hoses can be subjected to abrasion from external sources like nearby equipment, surfaces, or other hoses. Evaluate whether the hose was adequately protected or shielded from potential sources of abrasion.
  • Chemical Compatibility: Verify that the hose material is compatible with the hydraulic fluid being used. Incompatible fluids can lead to degradation of the hose material, resulting in failure.
  • Age and Usage: Consider the age of the hose and its usage history. Hoses have a limited service life and can deteriorate over time, even with proper usage. Regular maintenance and replacement are essential to prevent failures due to aging.
  • Manufacturer’s Specifications: Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for the hose to ensure it was used and maintained within the recommended parameters. This information can provide insights into the hose’s expected lifespan and performance characteristics.
  • Vibration and Movement: Excessive vibration or movement can lead to fatigue and eventual failure of the hose. Assess whether the hose was subjected to prolonged vibration or movement that could have contributed to its failure.
  • Pressure Spikes and Surges: Hydraulic systems can experience pressure spikes and surges during operation. These sudden pressure changes can weaken the hose structure over time, leading to failure.
  • Environmental Factors: Environmental conditions, such as exposure to extreme temperatures, UV radiation, chemicals, or moisture, can impact the integrity of the hose material.
  • Maintenance Practices: Investigate the maintenance practices employed for the hydraulic system. Regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and prompt replacement of worn hoses are essential to preventing failures.
  • Failure Mode Analysis: Identify the specific mode of failure, whether it’s a burst, leakage, or other form of failure. This can help narrow down the potential causes and contribute to a more accurate analysis.

By systematically analyzing these factors and conducting a thorough investigation, you can determine the root cause of the hydraulic hose failure. This information is crucial for implementing corrective measures, improving maintenance practices, and ensuring the reliability and safety of hydraulic systems. If needed, consult with hydraulic system experts or manufacturers for further guidance on failure analysis and prevention.

Why Hydraulic Hose Burst

hydraulic hose burst
hydraulic hose burst

The hydraulic hose possibly tends to burst, if the hydraulic hose has been used for so much time. Hydraulic hose bursting is also the popular hydraulic hose damage reason. Here are some frequently asked questions about the hydraulic hose bursting.

What causes hydraulic hoses to burst? Here are some potential damages to why the hydraulic hose burst.

The hydraulic hose fittings blow off. If you can’t screw down the hydraulic hose well during the process to assemble the hydraulic hose, and fittings probably are blown off by high pressure, and this may cause the hydraulic hose to burst.

The hydraulic hose wire reinforcement is worn out. And the reinforcement of the hydraulic hose is made of stainless steel, and aged reinforcement will affect the hydraulic hose quality, and will result in hydraulic hose failure.

Torn cover of the hydraulic hose will also do damage to the hydraulic hose safety as a whole, and please update and replace the hydraulic hose at once if you find the outer cover, made of synthetic rubber material, is torn and wearing.

Improper bend radius. This is also a serious problem you need to take into your consideration, and please keep the right bend radius when you bend the hydraulic hose to avoid touching barriers, such as hard angles, sharp objects. All of these will cause potential damages to the hydraulic hose safety.


hydraulic hose abrasion
hydraulic hose abrasion

The raw material, the synthetic rubber material is not solid and hard like metal, so it is much easy to be abrased by some abjects.

Hydraulic hose abrasion is the most common reason making hydraulic hoses damaged. The hydraulic hose is assemblies outside regularly, exposed to the sun-scorched and rain-drenched environment all the time.

And it also needs to be contracted or stretched with the changes of the pressure. It is really dangerous that the hydraulic hose rubs against hard objects, such as metal edges, sharp tools, coarse floor and etc, and all of these damages will do damage to the hydraulic hose cover, and cause abrasion as time goes by.

And then the outer cover of the hydraulic hose pipe will get breakage, to cause the hydraulic fluid leaking problems.

And the reinforcement of the hydraulic hose is made of stainless steel wire, so the hydraulic hose can be durable and resilient, but the hydraulic hose pipe will get abrasion if the outer rubber cover is worn away resulting from exposing outside for a too long time.

And we, a leading hydraulic hose manufacturer, can add some plasticizers to minimize the abrasion problems, during the hydraulic hose manufacturing process. The proper plasticizers can add much more strength to the hydraulic hose.

What’s more, you also can use the spiral hose guard to protect the hydraulic hose away from potential damage, aiming to expand the service life of the hydraulic hose.

Higher Temperature

hydraulic hose high temperature
hydraulic hose high temperature

And the high temperature and heat will be hazardous to the hydraulic hose, so you need to be serious about the hose routing before installation.

The hydraulic hose exposed to extreme temperatures for a very long time will lose its flexibility and strength, resulting in the hydraulic rubber breaking down. And then the hydraulic hose structure will begin to crack as time goes by, and those potential cracks will start from the outside cover of the hydraulic hose, then permeate into the inner tube gradually. Finally, the hydraulic hose will become aging because of these cracks, which will cause some broken problems while bending it.

So please route your hydraulic hose to the area to avoid the high temperature and heat, and don’t forget to use the fire sleeve protector to wrap the hydraulic hose if you have to lay out the hose hydraulic in the high temperature.

Hydraulic Hose Kink

hydraulic hose kink
hydraulic hose kink

Next, please pay much more attention to the bend radius, to avoid the hydraulic hose kinking problems. And here are some installation tips for the hydraulic hose assemblies. The poor routing before installation will cause the kink hydraulic hose.

Please route the hydraulic hose following its physical structure characters, and don’t make it distorted through the way up. And please leave much more space in the area near the hydraulic hose fittings, to avoid the bending problems. This area is so weak that you need to be much more serious.

And some other improper assemblies, you also need to focus, and please learn the basic knowledge about hydraulic hose before your hydraulic installation.

Hose Erosion

hydraulic hose erosion
hydraulic hose erosion

The erosion is also a big issue during the service life of the hydraulic hose tube. The hydraulic fluids in the hydraulic hose will corrode the inner tube of the hydraulic hose gradually, causing the hydraulic hose to leak problems in the future.

So you need to choose the top-rated hydraulic hose for your hydraulic projects, and please check the hydraulic hose status regularly, and replace the hydraulic hose in time if you find the fluid leaking problems.

And please use the hydraulic hose to convey the compatible fluids to avoid disintegration and leaks, and please don’t be hesitate to consult the hydraulic hose engineer about what fluids your selected hydraulic hose can convey.

Lack of Maintenance

hydraulic hose maintenance
hydraulic hose maintenance

The hydraulic hose needs regular maintenance, please repair the hydraulic hose which is broking, leaking, bending and etc. And you need to prepare some standby application hydraulic hoses and related accessories in your warehouse or at home.

And find the trusted hydraulic hose repair facility and organization to fix your hydraulic hose. Making the accurate hydraulic hose replacement will expand the hydraulic hose service life to be much longer.


Here are some popular hydraulic hose damage reasons I share with you here, if you find any other hydraulic hose breaking or leaking issue, please be free to contact us now!

Get Your Desired Hydraulic Hose
Kingdaflex is leading hydraulic hose manufacturer that you can trust, and contact us at any time to get full catalog.